The Shepherd & Adams NCS Exam Study Series offers learning by problem solving through case-based study questions. This edition, updated for the 2025 exam, also includes a study plan with expert advice on how to approach complex cases, and apply clinical practice guidelines to make clinical judgment calls. It is intended to support and augment self-study in preparation for the NCS exam by thoroughly explaining the reasoning behind each answer, and citing relevant research articles so the reader can find more information on any of the topics covered on the NCS exam. Every explanation has references to the APTA Neurology Section's resource list or from recently published research articles relevant to neurologic rehabilitation. This book can be used to identify gaps in knowledge that require further study based on success in answering questions in each of the subsections, and can be used in combination with preparation courses.
The Shepherd & Adams study method has a proven success record. In 2023, therapists who studied using these case-based study questions had a 96.8% pass rate, making it not only the longest running NCS Exam study resource, but also the most effective tool to use to prepare for this complex exam.
The 2025 edition of the NCS Exam Case Booklet includes:
Study plan with expert advice on preparation
Day-to-day calendar with study tips specific to the NCS exam
Essential checklists for each topic to identify gaps in knowledge and avenues for further study
115 case-based study questions with detailed explanations
40 complex cases which mimic the complexity of cases on the NCS exam
350 references to evidence-based practice articles, the Neurology Section's resource list, and clinical practice guidelines
A new difficulty-level rating system to help the therapist gauge if they are correctly answering questions at the right level of challenge
An appendix with the APTA Edge Task Force recommended outcome measures for easy reference